Prevention of plastic pollution

Donation Goal For This Project is $75  100
8% Donated/$68  352 To Go
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The flow of plastics into our environment has reached crisis proportions, and the evidence is most clearly on display in our oceans. It is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic enter our ocean each year. Over 90% of plastics are not recycled. Recycling alone is simply never going to solve this problem.

Plastic, of course, is uniquely problematic because it’s nonbiodegradable and therefore sticks around for a lot longer (like up to 1,000 years longer) than other forms of trash. And we’re not just talking about people dumping their garbage overboard. Around 80 percent of marine litter actually originates on land—either swept in from the coastline or carried to rivers from the streets during heavy rain via storm drains and sewer overflows.

Plastic is everywhere, even on those items we may not expect it to be. Milk cartons are lined with plastic, water bottles are handed out everywhere, and some products may even contain tiny plastic beads. Every time one of these items gets thrown away or washed down a sink, the toxic pollutants have more of a chance to enter the environment and do harm. Trash dumps and landfills are unfortunate major problems, as they allow pollutants to enter the ground and affect wildlife and groundwater for years to come.

Our oceans are slowly turning into a plastic soup, and the effects on ocean life are chilling. Discarded plastic fishing lines entangle turtles and seabirds, and plastic pieces of all sizes choke and clog the stomachs of creatures who mistake it for food, from tiny zooplankton to whales. Plastic is now entering every level of the ocean food chain and is even ending up in the seafood on our plates.

Our planet can no longer tolerate a culture of throw-away plastics. Single-use plastics are filling up our landfills, choking our rivers, and contaminating our oceans.

What more can we do to manage plastic pollution?

  1. To prevent the plastic pollution Charity Support  will make a global research about the cooperation between humans and plastic. It is urgent to pay attention to countries which are polluting the most and don’t have a knowledge about the damage what they cause. It is urgent to find the ways how to educate these people starting from simple facts and results where it has led, as well to educate  humanity all over the world about the ways how to reduce plastic pollution in their daily lives.
  2. Your donation to our program will help to deliver educational and informative projects around the world. There are countries like Thailand where plastic pollution is a very big problem but people simply has no knowledge about it. By educational programs we can make this awareness. We need to start with ourselves and educate each other.  With your donation you will support all global activist and organization movement against plastic pollution because in long term solution we want to unite all the activists to work and educate people with the same principles.
  3. The main objective of the program is to maximize the amount of recycled plastic waste and prevent it from entering the oceans and seas by affecting our nature, animals and destroying all the living resources in oceans and seas. The information and data we gather will help to raise the awareness about plastic pollution situation worldwide and will stimulate society to make immediate changes.

Thank you for understanding and your concerns about plastic pollution!